Our Fellows at this year’s GSA Scientific Meeting

Health and Aging Policy Fellows come from diverse professional disciplines and are at early, mid and senior stages of career. Their unifying passion is a commitment to learning about how to connect their work to the world of policy to have greater impact improving the lives of older adults. Many of our Fellows are showcasing their work at this year’s GSA Scientific Meeting on November 13-17, 2019 in Austin, TX. Click here for a full schedule of Fellows’ activities at this year’s conference!

Updates from Our Fellows – Fall 2019

Health and Aging Policy Fellows, both past and present, work on a diverse range of aging-related issues in DC and nationwide. Whether it’s through career progression and promotions, awards, and publications, our Fellows continue to influence policies for older Americans at the federal, state, and community level. Click here to see their most recent accomplishments!

Dr. Judy Zerzan Appointed Chief Medical Officer HCA

Dr. Judy Zerzan, 2008-2009 fellow, has been appointed Health Care Authority’s (HCA) chief medical officer. The chief medical officer leads HCA’s clinical policy decision-making, and helps ensure HCA’s decisions lead to high-quality care for the more than 2 million Washington residents for whom the agency purchases health care.  She has extensive experience in designing and implementing benefits, specifically in Medicaid programs, and was instrumental in implementing the Affordable Care Act in Colorado.

Dr. Jennifer Wolff to Lead Lipitz Center at Johns Hopkins

Dr. Jennifer Wolff, 2013-2014 fellow, expert on aging and caregiving, has been named the third Eugene and Mildred Lipitz Professor in the Department of Health Policy and Management and director of the Roger C. Lipitz Center for Integrated Health Care at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health. Wolff’s research focuses on the care of older persons with complex health needs and disabilities, particularly the role of family caregivers in the interactions of older adults with the medical community.

Another Successful Spring Symposium

Wednesday May 16, 2018, Hotel Palomar, Washington, DC

“Successful Aging – Challenges for Policymaking in The Real World” was the theme of this years Spring Symposium in Washington. Four key sessions covering: culture and politics; housing; dementia and long term care; and bolstering community capacity set the scene for some lively discussions and workshops throughout the day.

Our Spring 2018 Newsletter is Here

We would like to share a brief update on our current fellows’ placements and other recent activities of the Health and Aging Policy Fellows program. Now in its 10th year, the program provides professionals in health and aging with financial support, career opportunities, and expanded networks to make a positive contribution to the development and implementation of health policies that affect older Americans.

View Spring 2018 Newsletter

Shaping a Healthy Future for Older Americans

The Journal of The American Geriatrics Society has published a paper “Health and Aging Policy Fellows Program: Shaping a Healthy Future for Older Americans” authored by our program team and collaborators. The paper describes the HAPF Program, including its background (rationale, description, partners, progress, effect), lessons learned, challenges and solutions, and policy implications. The full article can be accessed here.